Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Blue Light Within

This basket turned out exceptionally well.  The base stone is Labdorite which has wonderful flashes of red, yellow, and blue lights as the stone reflects and refracts light.  It's difficult to capture this flash in a photo. This particular stone is also translucent so some light can actually come through the stone.  The large Labdorite pendants on the sides made the coiling come out uneven so I added 2 different sizes of smaller Labdorite beads and a twist of fiber at the top edge.  This is an ample sized basket.

Approximate Size:  9.5 X 10 X 4.75 inches

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Amethyst Mountain

This was a tricky setting and a totally new challenge for me! When I purchase these pieces I have no idea how easy or difficult it will be to create a secure base for the attachment of fiber.  I had to actually make a a covered base.  My sewing needle is so bent that I should probably throw it away!  Lots of wrapping with waxed linen thread and some faceted amethyst beads adds more dimension to the stone center.  More Lepedorite pendants hold the spaces at the side.  This basket will be shown September 8, 2018, at the J&J Gallery at Lakewood Ranch Village, Sarasota, FL.  I'll be there demonstrating from 11 AM to 3:00 PM.  The gallery is a beautiful showing and contains many wonderful pieces of art.  Come see us!
Approximate Size: 9 x 8.5 x 4 inches

Crystal Island

Crystal Island began on an agate with a druzy center. The hole only gives it more sparkle.  Then those nice Florida Long Leaf pine needles were added with a few smaller Feldspath Graphic beads.  My favorite Muhly Grass is sewn in next.  This is the time to cut your Muhly Grass before the September stalk that produces the flower begins to take over the hole plant.  I am now remembering that I have one more plant to cut this weekend and place on the drying shelves!  The Feldspath Graphic pendants complete the design with another dozen smaller beads to make the basket balanced.  The side view gives a better look at the beads.

Approximate Size: 8.5 x 9.5 x 3.75 inches