Phantom Phish received a Best of Show award and a first place award. This was one of my earlier pieces. It was created from dyed Florida Long Leaf pine needles that I gathered myself from trees very close to my ranch. That was before hurricane Charlie, a category 4, destroyed many of the trees in my area. I was still developing the technique of setting an agate slice in the bottom using just pressure. I wanted this basket to look like a fish bowl. The coiled rounds of pine needles and the teneriffe circles actually bear the weight of the top of the basket. This was first real challenge: to put a dream into reality. In spite of it's openness, the basket is quite firm. This piece has been accepted to been shown at the inaugural show of the Florida Museum for Women Artists ooening on November 13, 2009 in Deland, Florida. Measures: 13 x 11 x 6 inches
Price: Not for Sale
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