Sunday, June 13, 2010

Captured in Moonlight

This piece is the result of an art challenge by the Southwest Florida Craft Guild for our 2010 show at Big Arts on Sanibel Island.  It was the "silver" anniversary of the show, consequently we were challenged to make one of our entries with a touch of silver.  My first thought was "Impossible".  My entry was a gourd covered a chocolate texture finish, pine needles, silver sea grape leaves, and beaded rays of moonlight.  The knotless netting was done in brown thread and fine silver wire and silver beads.  The use of wire is something that I have just begun to use, so it was a challenge.

Size:  7 x 7 x 6"

Price:  $250

Jeweled Cave

The photo of this basket really doesn't do justice to this piece.  The color is very subtle.  The rare stone in the bottom is called Solar Crystal, a slice of stalagmite.  Hence, the reference to a cave in the name.  The  pendants on the side and beads are Chalcedony, a perfect color match to the center of the bottom stone.  The muhly grass blends well with this light blue color.  I was very pleased to buy this stone from a new supplier in South Carolina, who cuts and polishes many wonderful stones.

Size:  10 x 9 x 4"

Price:  $400


I have been working with muhly grass so much lately that I decided I needed to return to the pine needles for a change.   This agate has been around for a long time, but because of its color, I haven't used it.  I came across a old roll of teal thread, added some new feldspar beads, and voila!  They belonged together.  I'm very limited on the colors of thread available.  My biggest problem with thread is that it keeps changing color with each dye lot.  My caution to my students is to not begin a large basket without a full spool of thread.  The spools seldom match.

Size:  12 x 10 x 4"

Price: 300