Thursday, February 14, 2019

Minted Jade

As I mentioned in my last post, Blood Stone can come in a variety of color.  This is a green Blood Stone in the base.  It's a nice small size basket with wonderful New Jade beads that nicely accent the base. 

Approximate Size:  8.5 X 6.5 X 2.5 inches

Color Collage

This basket began with a distinctive Blood Stone.  I like using this stone because it's colors vary so much.  Sometimes they are even dark green with tones of rust and gold.  I tried to pick up the various colors in this rusty gold and black stone with wrappings of thread.  This adds tone to the bottom of the basket but it takes 3 hours to go around even once.  So it's once around a day!  Many hours added to this one.  The beads are square Black Jasper with some smaller Black Jasper beads too.  This basket won a Merit award in Hands on Art at the Cape Coral Arts Studio in February, 2019.  The exhibit was sponsored by the Southwest Florida Fine Craft Guild.

Approximate Size:  10 X 10.5 X 4 inches