Saturday, March 30, 2019

Demonstrating at Wild Child

This was taken March 7, 2019 at Wild Child gallery at Matlacha, FL.  It was one of my scheduled demonstration days.  This day, however, I needed to bring a new addition to the herd that was drinking from a bottle.  She is very small and just couldn't seem to connect with her mother so I am her source of food for the next two months.  The owner of the gallery, Peggy McTeague,  is very understanding and actually loves the added flare it brings to the patio.  Luckily her dog, Justabit, is ok with added wildlife to his area.  There was another dog, Rufus, there that day and not a problem occurred all day.  Not much demonstrating with baskets but lots of goat pictures were taken.  The following weekend Sorbet, the baby goat, attended the Peace River Art Fest and raised $150 for the Visual Arts Center Childrens' Program from having her picture taken with anyone willing to make a donation.  She is much happier to be running the pasture with her brother and other babies!