Monday, November 15, 2021

Midnight Mystery

 Sometimes life sequences change, and so you change with it.  I haven't been shopping in person for base stones in several years, so I have resorted to Etsy,  What else.  The base stone is called Orthorceras, a very old fossil and quite common.  The uncommon thing is finding the right polished stone in the correct size and shape to fit in a basket.  Like this one.  This is my double basket design having dyed black Florida Long Leaf pine needles around the center with my home grown Muhly Grass coming up on the outer basket.  All coiled with different shades of Irish waxed linen (almost impossible to find int the colors I need these days) .  I have accented the spaces with Howolite beads and Onyx pendants and beads.   It's not that big but stunning!

Approximate  Size: 8 x 8 x 3 inches

PS.  Have more stones so more will be coming!  Just bought a stove to dye needles!